Wednesday, February 17, 2010

What are we thinking?

November 26, 2008. No Indian can forget this date in a hurry. Every Indian was watching deadliest attack in Mumbai live on TV for over 24 hours. It took a herculean effort from NSG, Local police and prayers of crores and crores of Indians to bring the situation under control. In less than 24 hours over 200 lives were lost, close to 500 people injured, and the entire country was terrorised. We had just witnessed a new form of terror, much more blatant and terrifying then a bomb blast.
The capturing of Ajmal Kasab alive was then considered as a major breakthrough as it was expected that submission from him will help capture the real planners of this and many more attacks on the country. Entire country was angry and wanted to punish Kasab. Everybody wanted revenge and wanted it from him.
But what did we do? Not as individual but as a country? A foreigner enters our country, kill people on camera in front of entire country, fires at Mumbai city’s top Cop (Karkare) and has the guts to say that he had come to work in films? There couldn’t have been a case bigger and clearer than the Mumbai attacks of November 26, 2008. It’s not a Government of India vs. Ajmal Kasab but it’s a case of People of India vs. Terror. In fifteen months our Courts, Police, Media together have been unable to give a verdict in this case. Isn’t it shame on us?? We all are aware of the judicial system in the country and its problem but at least in this case we thought our Government would act and as an example to others who think of harming our nation would decide the case on an urgent basis and grant the maximum punishment to the guilty. We as a country can’t still explain why have we not hanged Afzal Guru till today? When the highest court in India has upheld the decision for the capital punishment, why is the file with the president for over 2 years now?
All this makes me believe that a day will come when we all would have forgotten and Ajmal Kasab will walk out of our prison as a free man and that day all of us will be ashamed.
This all point out to lack of political will in the country to punish the guilty and set an example. Can anyone think of a reason what as a country are we thinking?

1 comment:

  1. you are right. the govt should hang me rite in front of Taj , at the gateway of india so that whole world can see it
